New York Tenants in D.C. for NAHT Conference

New York Tenants in D.C. for NAHT Conference

By Mary Bradley, Tenant Leader at Tecumseh Road Apartments in Syracuse NY

The National Alliance of HUD Tenants meet to better understand the problems tenants are facing in their homes meaning apartment buildings, and having workshops to address how tenants can tackle these problems to solve them for the greater good of the tenants in these buildings. Representatives from HUD were present to help and learn about these issues.

NAHT also traveled to Capital Hill in Washington DC and confronted legislative Aides on issues plaguing NAHT like promises made by HUD that are being recanted.

We marched around the Martin Luther King Jr memorial and made protest on issues facing the poor people’s march and took many photos of NAHT’s plights with speeches, and banners .

The Greater Syracuse Tenants Network was front and center representing , and the Tecumseh Road Apartment Tenant Association’s president was also present.


                                                      "Schumer Lobby Visit"      



                               "Rally at MLK Memorial



"True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice"



Sharon Sherman-Executive director of the Greater Syracuse Tenants Network
John Herman-Tenant organizer at Great Syracuse Tenants Network
Hollywood Pemberton-Tenant leader at Clinton Plaza, Syracuse NY
Mary Bradley-Tenant Leader at Tecumseh Raod Apartments

It was a wonderful trip to Washington DC, and to see all those people so eager to fight for the poor, disabled and senior citizens living in horrendous conditions that makes bullying ,harassment, and unsafe living a burden that no one should have to suffer. I personally applaud the NATIONAL ALLIANCE of HUD TENANTS .

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  • Cherai Mills
    published this page in Home 2018-07-06 12:22:50 -0400