REAC Overview

HUD inspects its properties through the Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC), which is responsible for evaluating financial and physical condition of al HUD public and assisted developments. The inspections often include site, building exterior, building systems, dwelling units, common areas, health and safety concerns and compliance with state and local codes among other things.

Properties receive a score on a scale of 0-100:

  • Standard 1 (90 points or higher) performing properties are required to undergo physical inspection only once every 3 years
    • HUD requires properties to address any deficiencies that are health and safety hazards immediately to maintain their favorable classification
  • Standard 2 (80-89 points) performing properties undergo inspection once every 2 years
    • HUD require properties to address any deficiencies that are health and safety hazards immediately to maintain their favorable classification
  • Standard 3 (<80 points) performing properties are inspected every year
    • < 30 points: referred to Departmental Enforcement Center for evaluation (creates Owner Compliance Plan)

Often, HUD tenants notice that their buildings will be in bad condition but still receive passing REAC scores. See NAHT’s Recommendations for HUD’s REAC Inspection Process for our recommendations on how to fix this and other issues with REAC.  

NAHT Recommendations for HUD’s REAC Inspection Process

In January, 2016, NAHT’s REAC Task Force made up of Board Leaders, tenant organizers and HUD tenants presented NAHT's Recommendations for HUD's REAC Inspection Process to HUD. Our recommendations include improving tenant participation in the inspection process, adding more components to the inspection process such as City code inspections, revising the scoring system to include common deficiencies not currently included and strengthening HUD’s ability to enforce renovations and repairs when buildings fail inspection.    

NAHT/NHLP Training Materials on REAC

NAHT and the National Housing Law Project have put together training materials on REAC used at the NAHT Conference and organizer trainings. 

HUD Website on REAC

Find HUD's website on REAC here. Get the REAC score for your building here.

ProPublica: HUD Inspect

This database created by ProPublica journalists lists HUD properties and REAC scores. 

National Housing Preservation Database

The National Housing Preservation Database is updated from HUD with the past and current REAC scores for all HUD assisted properties in the country. It also holds information about when Section 8 contracts or other subsidy contracts expire. 







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  • Aaron Coffman
    commented 2023-03-24 21:55:07 -0400
    To whom it may concern,

    I have been contacting anyone I can think of that may help me report my story fairly and accurately after coming forward last summer with a landlord-tenant issue to my city after being sent a slanderous text message calling me a whiner for filing a minimum housing complaint. As a voice for change my voice was silenced when I came forward as to who sent the message and how tenants are really treated by my city when we come forward against land owner’s. I have sent you some screenshots of the messages and the complaints I filed last August. Since that time the City of Quincy has denied anyone from the City sent the message and the landlords wasn’t held accountable for anything he did. We got our money back but this is t about getting out no way back but about exposing what really happens to the PEOPLE when we come forward. If you look up my name you’ll see the news reports and since that time have been on the cities case about this issue. Nobody will touch my case because his brother is a lawyer with the largest law firm in Quincy and Quincy’s inspection Department works closely with the legal team at that particular law firm. Since that time I have emailed politicians, federal oversight committees, and major news stations all to fall on dead ears. We the people here in Quincy are about to protest City Hall given how unfair tenants are treated when coming forward with landlord’s who are abusing their power. Of course the investigation stalked rather quickly and Mr. Bickhaus was never questioned only his employee???