For VISTA Organizers

Coming soon 

I have accepted my VISTA position offer! What now?


Congratulations on accepting your offer and welcome to the NAHT Safe and Healthy Homes Project!

How does the VISTA Living Allowance work?


VISTA Living Allowance Stipends are paid bi-weekly and set according to the cost of living in each county. Look here to determine the Living Allowance in the county where you are serving. 


A VISTA can receive their living allowance either through paper check or direct deposit. To set up direct deposit, go to the Member Home Page under the tab on the left-hand side entitled “My Living Allowance”. Click here for an instructional video on how to set up direct deposit payments.  

What are my options for healthcare coverage as a VISTA Member?

There are two options for VISTA healthcare benefits:
  • the VISTA Healthcare Allowance (intended for Members who already have healthcare coverage, covers up to $8,550.00 in certain out-of-pocket expenses)
  • the VISTA Health Benefit Plan (for Members who do not have healthcare coverage)
Click here to view a PDF with more info about both options
If you have already begun your VISTA service and would like to enroll in one of the healthcare benefit options, you may so do here