The stop-gap agreement with congressional leaders will last three weeks, until Feb. 15, and would allow talks to continue over border security and a wall on the southern border. The agreement includes no new money for the wall, and is a massive concession on Trump's behalf after refusing a similar funding package a month ago.
With the temporary re-opening of HUD and other agencies, an immediate catastrophe was averted as airports began to close across the country. Congress has now authorized about two more months of funding for HUD, USDA and other critical agencies.
However, we are by no means out of the woods regarding the crisis for HUD tenants and owners! HUD will again run out of funds on February 15, unless Congress votes the funds for the remainder of FY 2019. The uncertainty and chaos that have resulted may result in owners walking away from HUD contracts, and/or turning down Voucher tenants.
NAHT IS MAKING AN IMPACT! In the past two weeks, NAHT tenants have been featured in an AP wire service story, the BBC, NBC and VICE News, the Huffington Post, and local news stories in Beloit, WI; Spokane, WA; several articles in Arkansas; and a national radio station in NYC.
Most significantly, the Housing Justice League in Atlanta, NAHT”s Georgia affiliate, emailed 100,000 supporters who shut down the switchboard in Sen. Isakson (R-GA), a factor in Isakson breaking ranks and voting for the Democratic bill to reopen the government last Thursday.
NAHT”s UT affiliate, Crossroads Urban Center, likewise met with Sen. Romney’s office (R-UT); Romney joined Isakson as one of six Republicans to break ranks with Trump and McConnell. This break in Republican intransigence was what pushed Trump to reverse course last Friday. NAHT’s mobilization played a small but significant role in this victory!
Check out the NAHT baord press release here
Check out NAHT's government shutdown resource page for more news stories
For information on tenants' rights in Project Based Section 8, Section 8 Vouchers, and Public Housing buildings from the National Housing Law Project click here for a 1-page flyer; a 14 page background memo; or a 4 page "highlights" memo addressing
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