NAHT Supports Tenants in Atlanta Against Slumlord


NAHT member group Forest Cove Apartments and NAHT affiliate Housing Justice League in Atlanta, held a rally at the Forest Cove complex on Wednesday, July 18th. Tenants delivered a list of demands to the management office, which included repairs and for the tenants association to be included in the repair planning. Three NAHT board members joined in support and spoke at the march. Forest Cove Apartments is owned by Global Ministries, a notorious slumlord being forced by HUD to sell it's entire portfolio to another company. NAHT is beginning a national campaign to organize tenants in Global Ministries properties to make sure tenants voices are heard throughout this process!


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  • Richard Reed
    commented 2021-10-26 17:56:28 -0400
    Dr. Sakira Jackson
    Rent Grant Agent
    Office +17734911028
    Fax (972)-943-8822

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