Join the NAHT Network

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There are TWO types of membership in NAHT, Voting and Non-Voting:


Voting Membership

Voting Membership in NAHT is open to tenant organizations in current (or formerly) privately-owned, HUD- assisted and/or insured multi-family housing that meets the definition of a tenant organization according to HUD rules, committed to permanently affordable housing. The tenant organizations must:

  • Meet regularly
  • Operate democratically
  • Be representative of the building’s tenants
  • Committed to permanently affordable housing
  • And function independently of non-resident owners and management.

Non-Voting Membership

Associate Members

Associate membership in NAHT is open to non-profit organizations which work with HUD tenants and share the goals and objectives of NAHT. (Non-profit, non-resident groups which own or manage housing are not eligible to join.) By joining NAHT as an associate member, your organization becomes part of a national movement to preserve affordable housing for low- and moderate-income people. An important part of being an associate member is being a liaison between your local tenant associations and NAHT.Examples of such groups are area-wide tenant organizing groups and housing advocacy organizations. Groups or individuals representing non-resident owners or managers are not eligible.


Membership Benefits

As part of NAHT, your organization will be able to tap into NAHT's extensive and exciting network of tenant leader organizations. By joining NAHT, member groups receive:

  • Free tenants’ rights manual and discounts on tenant organizing manuals.
  • An opportunity to attend NAHT membership meetings, including the Annual Meeting of NAHT in Washington, D.C., and to participate in NAHT coordinated national action days such as "Save Our Homes Day."
  • Intensive support from your local NAHT associate member group, for which NAHT helps secure resources.
  • Access to the bi-weekly teleconference calls of the NAHT Network, which provides fast breaking information.
  • Action alerts on legislation and HUD and landlord activities.
  • NAHT website and mailings.
  • More intensive support on a limited basis may be negotiated by a member groups requiring special assistance.
  • Voting member groups may vote at NAHT’s Annual Meeting and in elections for the NAHT Board of Directors. In addition, designated voting representatives of member groups that have paid their annual dues and maintained their membership status may seek election to the NAHT board.



Voting Member

Dues are $25 annually, per tenant association, to qualify as a voting member.


Non-Voting Member

Dues for non-voting, non-profit members vary based on the budget of your organization.

Organizational budget                    Annual Dues

          $0-$25,000                                   $75

    $25,000 - $100,000                         $125

        over $100,000                               $225


You may pay by cash, check, money order, or online; make checks payable to the National Alliance of HUD Tenants. If another party is covering your membership dues, please make sure they note the name of your group on the "memo" line of the check. It is very important that you send in your membership form and dues together. We cannot accept faxed or emailed forms.

Mail your completed membership form and dues to:
National Alliance of HUD Tenants, 42 Seaverns Avenue, Boston, MA 02130

*If paying online, please complete the form below and mail your completed membership form to the address above, or email completed form to [email protected].


How to Join:

To join: Fill out a membership registration form.

Download a NAHT Membership Form (voting member)
Download a NAHT Associate Member Form (non voting member)

You will need to send an updated form and dues each year.

Mail or email your completed membership form and dues to:

  • National Alliance of HUD Tenants, 42 Seaverns Avenue, Boston, MA 02130
  • [email protected]

The NAHT office will send you a new form shortly before your membership expires each year. Membership will not be processed until all information and dues are received.