HUD Responds to NAHT Tenants!
HUD has published a Memo implementing HUD’s commitments at the NAHT conference HUD plenary on June 10, in response to issues raised by NAHT tenant leaders!
The Memo instructs Owners to:
- Ensure 24 Notice to tenants prior to ANY physical inspections
- Make copies of final REAC Reports and key correspondence available to tenants for 60 days
- Make copies of Notices of Default or Violation, Corrective Action Plans and 100% Surveys, if any, available to tenants
- Make copies of Owners' "Self Certification" of compliance for emergency Health and Safety citations
- Post a Notice to all residents with contact information to HUD for tenants to file complaints about discrepancies in owners’ claims
The Memo also "encourages" owners to consult with residents prior to adoption or major changes to House Rules, and to provide and explain House Rules to residents.
The Memo also requires owners to provide a resident with the owner’s written response to HUD or PBCAs regarding that resident’s complaint to HUD or the PBCA, upon request.
The Memo was issued on July 8 by Brian Murray, Acting Director of HUD”s Office of Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight (OAMPO), and has been sent to owners, HUD Field Offices and Performance Based Contract Administrators.
Thanks to all the tenant leaders and board members who raised these issues during the June 10 Accountability Session! This is a tremendous victory for all!
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