2018 HUD Budget Cuts, Rent Increase and Work Requirement Resources

NAHT Fact Sheet on Rent Increases, Work Requirements and Potential HUD Budget Cuts

NAHT Action Alert Guide

General Resources:

Full Text of “Making Affordable Housing Work Act 2018”

“HUD Secretary Ben Carson to propose raising rent for low-income Americans receiving federal housing subsidies”,  Washington Post, 4/25/2018


Rent Increase Resources:

Trump Plan Would Raise Rents on Working Families, Elderly, People With Disabilities (CBPP 4/27/2018)

Trump Plan to Raise Minimum Rents Would Put Nearly a Million Children at Risk of Homelessness (CBPP 4/27/2018) Analyzes the number of children in HUD assisted housing who would be at risk of homelessness with a rent increase

Chart Book: Employment and Earnings for Households Receiving Federal Rental Assistance (CBPP 2/5/2018) Employment and earnings statistics of folks who live in HUD housing

Summary of HUD’s Proposed Benefits Cuts Legislation (NHLP) Overview of rent increases, work requirements and HUD accountability


Work Requirement Resources:

Preliminary messaging guidance on work requirements, (CBPP) Great guide for messaging around work requirements, also included in this Action Alert kit

Housing Work Requirements Would Harm Families, Including Many Workers (CBPP, 2/22/2018) Overview of how work requirement will harm folks who are already working or looking for work

Work Requirements Would Undercut Effectiveness of Rental Assistance Programs (CBPP 6/14/2016) Breakdown of how work requirements will not achieve goal to increase earnings of housing assistance tenants

Work Requirements Don’t Cut Poverty, Evidence Shows (CBPP, 6/7/2016) Evidence and research based approach to why work requirements do not cut poverty and actually harm those receiving assistance


Federal Budget Resources:

Trump 2019 Budget Slashes Aid for Families Struggling to Pay Rent, (CBPP, 2/12/2018) Breakdown of proposed budget cuts and state-by-state breakdown of potential budget cuts to public housing, vouchers and CBDG money per state

FY19 Budget Chart for Selected HUD and USDA Programs, (NLIHC, 2/12/2018) Compares FY17, President FY18, House FY18, Senate FY18 and President FY19 budgets’ effects on HUD programs (Vouchers, public housing, CDBG, HOME funds, other HUD funded programs, etc).

Cutting Housing Benefits Would Increase Homelessness and Housing Poverty, (NLIHC, 2/2018) Addresses how cutting funding to housing programs, imposing work requirements, time limits, etc. will not solve poverty. Provides recommendations/alternatives to budget cuts and oppressive policies.   

Draft Trump Proposal To Cut Housing Benefits, (NLIHC, 2/12/2018) Focuses on rent increase and work requirements

Summary of HUD’s Unconscionable Proposals (NHLP, 2/2018) Outlines rent increase, work requirement and HUD/owner accountability


National Housing Law Project Resources:

NHLP's summary of HUD's proposals to increase tenant rents, impose work requirements, and decrease accountability of HUD and owners can be found here.

NLADA's Guide to LSC Restrictions can be found here.

CBPP's state-by-state data about the impact of the President's FY 19 budget proposal can be found here.

CBPP's state-by-state data about the impact of proposed rent increases can be found here.

CBPP's data about work requirements can be found here.

Additional CBPP graphs about employment, earnings, and length of stay for households receiving rental assistance can be found here.

See the Government Accountability Office's report about the Moving to Work demonstration program here and NHLP's summary of that report here.


Tips on How to Use Resources/Articles:

Post on your organization’s Facebook/Twitter pages, pull quotes

Use Trump Rent Plan Would Squeeze Low-Wage Workers, Others Struggling to Afford Housing, (CBPP, 2/9/2018) to address how budget cuts would affect your state

Distribute to tenants as additional information to NAHT Fact Sheet

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  • Carey Cabrera
    published this page in Resources 2025-01-13 16:47:05 -0500