Please join Busboys and Poets Books as they welcome author and long time NAHT conference attendee Glyn Robbins of Defend Council Housings in the U.K. to Takoma to discuss his new book There's No Place: The American Housing Crisis and What It Means for the UK." If you are in the D.C. area please show your support by attending this event.
There's No Place was released on 16th June, two days after the appalling - and preventable - Grenfell Tower disaster. The book comes at a critical moment for the future of housing in the US and UK. The election of Donald Trump makes a property developer "the most powerful man in the world". For Americans with low-incomes, the limited help to keep a home they can afford is at risk. In the UK, housing is at a crossroads between a revival of non-market housing or letting the market rip, a choice made more stark by Grenfell. There's No Place tells the story of resistance and struggle at local level through the voices of those fighting to save their homes. Each chapter covers a different aspect of the trans-Atlantic housing crisis based on detailed field research and interviews in Boston, New York, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, New Orleans, Atlanta and Washington DC.
You all may have heard about long time affordable housing advocate, NAHT member, and board present Charlotte Delgado passing away recently. Glyn, who knew Charlotte was kind enough to post a tribute to her on his website which can be viewed here
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