The 2021 NAHT Annual Meeting will take place on Zoom as part of the 2021 NAHT Annual Conference. A Zoom link and conference call number will be provided to all Voting Member and Associate Member Group Representatives three days prior to the meeting.
Please note that most current dues will expire prior to June 28. Be sure to renew your group’s dues no later than Friday, June 18, 2021. $25 dues will entitle all members of your board or committee to register free of additional charge for the entire NAHT Conference.
NAHT’s Annual Membership Meeting will convene at 3:15 p.m. on June 28, 2021 during the Virtual NAHT conference and may be continued at subsequent times on that date. The meeting will hear and vote on board reports on NAHT activities and elect a new Board of Directors.
Voting membership in NAHT is open to resident organizations in current or formerly HUD-assisted and/or insured multi-family housing. This includes Public Housing developments proposed for conversion to private ownership by a Public Housing Agency through Notice to tenants pursuant to HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration or other programs; resident owner groups, or organizing committees, that meet regularly, are democratic, representative of all groups in their development, independent of non-resident owners or management agents, and are committed to permanently affordable housing for low and moderate income people.
Each member organization will have one vote at the membership meeting. The dues for resident organizations are currently $25 annually for voting membership and are effective for one year from date of receipt. Voting member groups will be able to vote at NAHT’s Special Membership Meeting and in elections for the NAHT Board of Directors. Only designated representatives of dues-paying voting member groups in good standing may vote for or run for the NAHT board.
Associate (non-voting) membership in NAHT is open to non-profit organizations that work with HUD tenants and share the goals and objectives of NAHT. Associate member group representatives may attend the Special Membership Meeting as observers but may not vote in membership proceedings.
David Nollman, Secretary
National Alliance of HUD Tenants
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